Minutes after learning they were having a baby boy, Brett and Ashley learned that their unborn son was facing some very serious complications in the form of a bladder outlet obstruction. Doctors in Taylor, South Carolina explained that expert care for baby Easton was more than 400 miles away in Cincinnati.

When Easton came into the world, he endured three major surgeries, several procedures and 68 nights in the NICU. While he grew strong enough to go home to South Carolina, Brett and Ashley stayed in our House, just steps away from the hospital. Brett explained:

“This House just takes care of those that need it. It provides us a peace of mind where we can just have a place to come back to and relax and not have to worry about our life struggles. From my family to yours, we are incredibly appreciative and thankful to have such amazing people in our lives. Thank you to Cincinnati’s Ronald McDonald House for being so great to our family!”

You are the reason Easton and hundreds of children fighting for their lives can be surrounded by the ones they love while getting the critical care they need. Thank you for helping us be here for them. With a gift today, we can continue to serve families in need.