Our House is located at:
341 Erkenbrecher Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
We are located directly across the street from Cincinnati Children’s.
Parking information:
Our House can be accessed using the driveway near the RMHC Greater Cincinnati sign on Erkenbrecher Avenue.
When entering this driveway, you will see a closed gate – you are in the right place. Please pull up to the call box and press the black button to contact our front desk. We will open the gate for you then.
If your visit to our House will be 30 minutes or less (for example, if you are dropping off a donation), please park in one of the surface parking spaces and proceed to our main front door. The front door is wooden and under a large awning.
We accept donations between 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. daily.
If you will be at the House for longer than 30 minutes (Taste of Hope group, tours, hosting a snack or activity, etc.), please proceed to our parking garage by coming up the driveway and turning right and then right again. You may park in any open spot. Proceed to the garage elevator and take it up to the first floor. You will be met at the elevator in order to gain access to our House.
Make a Difference for Families & Children
Parents don’t know when their children will need medical help. But they should know they can always access the care they need. And with your help, we can support them all throughout their journey.