
Thank you for providing an ice cream social to our critically ill children and their families. Please use the secure form below to book the date for your meal. After submitting this information, you will be automatically directed to a payment page so you can make your donation.

* Designates a required field

Your Information
Volunteer Information
How did you first learn about this program? *
Are you signing up for this treat time to celebrate a special occasion?
What treat would you like to serve? *

If you would like to select additional dates, please do so with the calendar below.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Thu May 1st1
Fri May 2nd2
Sat May 3rd3
Sun May 4th4
Mon May 5th5
Tue May 6th6
Wed May 7th7
Thu May 8th8
Fri May 9th9
Sat May 10th10
Mon May 12th12
Tue May 13th13
Wed May 14th14
Thu May 15th15
Fri May 16th16
Sat May 17th17
Sun May 18th18
Mon May 19th19
Tue May 20th20
Wed May 21st21
Thu May 22nd22
Fri May 23rd23
Sat May 24th24
Sun May 25th25
Mon May 26th26
Tue May 27th27
Wed May 28th28
Thu May 29th29
Fri May 30th30
Sat May 31st31
Selected Treat Time, Date and Times
Nothing Yet Selected

Please wait while we confirm your booking.

Make a Difference for Families & Children

Parents don’t know when their children will need medical help. But they should know they can always access the care they need. And with your help, we can support them all throughout their journey.