Thank you for providing a Taste of Hope to our critically ill children and their families. Please use the secure form below to book the date for your meal. After submitting this information, you will be automatically directed to a payment page so you can make your donation. Your booking is not complete until payment is made.

Lunch: $350 donation

Dinner/Brunch: $500 donation

If you are unable to make a payment immediately or you need to book multiple meals, please contact our Food and Fun team at They will assist you in reserving your meal times.

* Designates a required field

Your Information
Volunteer Information
How did you first learn about our Taste of Hope Program? *
Are you signing up for this meal to celebrate a special occasion?
Meal Options

For meals taking place on July 1, 2020 or later, groups will make a tax-deductible contribution in the amount of:

  1. $350 for weekday lunch
  2. $500 for weekend brunch
  3. $500 for all dinners

If you would like to select additional dates, please do so with the calendar below.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Tue Jun 3rd3
Wed Jun 4th4
Tue Jun 17th17
Wed Jun 18th18
Thu Jun 19th19
Tue Jun 24th24
Selected Meal, Date and Times
Nothing Yet Selected

After submitting this form, please wait for up to one minute while we save your reservation and then redirect you to our payment page.
Please note that your booking is not confirmed until payment has been processed.